Contact Us

To book your free taster session, get in contact using the form provided:

Private email address only!
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. I am aware that injuries can occur in sports or activities involving height or motion, those activities include but are not limited to gymnastics, tumbling and trampoline. I hereby give consent for my child(ren) to participate in any and all Dynamacro Gymnastics Academy programs and activities
This section is for new members only.
If you are already a member and looking to update your information then this section is for you. Please select your current class status.
Occasionally, we may take videos and/or photographs of children in the gym to be used for training purposes and/or promotional materials including our website/Facebook page. If you do not wish your child's photo to be used, please choose one of the following option below: I've read the above and agree or I've read the above and do not agree. By selecting this you are indicating that you are aware of our policy.
Please provide details of any relevant medical conditions and/or allergies that the participant (i.e. your child) has and any treatment/medication that may need to be administered*:
Please provide any other information, including any disability/special/additional needs* e.g. religious requirements that the club should be aware of and may help us to make appropriate adjustments and support your/your child’s needs:
Full Payment for the full term of classes must be submitted before the child(ren)'s first class of each new term. Please note: a payment must be submitted by the first class to participate (unless doing a trial class). If you cannot pay the entire term upfront, please contact us for alternate payment option before your child registers or begins class. We will work with you.
All payment plans are done on a case-by-case basis. If you enter into a payment plan you will be required to pay the first instalment (half of the term fee) by the first class of the term commencement to participate (unless doing a trial class). Payment plans can only be signed off by your department manager in conjunction with the performance & technical director. The remaining balance will be due on an allocated date (4 weeks from the first instalment) Confirmation date you will receive via email. Class offers/new members after week 2 of the term commencement: If you enter into a payment plan you will be required to pay the first instalment (half of the term fee) by the first class to participate (unless doing a trial class). The remaining balance will be due on an allocated date (2 weeks from the first instalment) Confirmation date you will receive via email. Class offers/new members after week 4 of the term commencement: No payment plan option you will be required to pay the full amount by the first class to participate (unless doing a trial class). Fees can be paid by cash or card at Reception, or online via bank transfer.
Term Commitment: If you have a payment plan, you are still committed to the classes for the entire registered term and all payments that are due for that term. Payment will still be charged regardless of attendance.
Full Session Commitment: By registering for a class, you are committed to the class(es) for the entire registered term (or from registration date to end of term) and all payments that are due for that term from registration date. All classes are first come, first served. A child’s spot will not be saved unless we have received a completed registration form, and a payment.
All payments must be received by designated due dates. If a payment is not received by its due date, then you will automatically be charged, with an additional €10.00 late fee per week late added to the balance. Any client with frequent late payments will loose payment plan privileges. Any client with frequent late payments will have payment plan privileges removed. Any client who has unpaid fees will not be able to enrol in future sessions until paid. Classes: that are missed are non-refundable, unfortunately due to coach/gymnast ratios “catch up” classes on alternative days are not possible. If fees are not paid by your scheduled due date, you are at risk of losing your child’s place in the class. Terms 1, 2, 3 and or 4 are by subscription meaning once you sign up for a term you pay for the entire term including used and/or unused sessions (Including Personal Holidays). Please see Refunds / Credits / Cancellations / Make-up Classes policy section.
Full Classes & Wait-list: If you are interested in a class that is currently full, you may add your child to the waiting list. Should any spaces open at a later date, we will contact you.
Our trial class is a non-obligation trial. You may try one class. Should you not want to continue after trial, no payment is owed. If you want to further enrol in the class, payment for all remaining classes and trial lesson will be due (along with registration fee) in order to continue. Please contact us in order to schedule a trial, to prevent from being charged before your class begins.
Invoices for Debit Card, Revolut & bank transfers will be sent to all non-competitive on confirmation of payment of the current term. The club member is responsible for advising the club if they are not returning for the following term. Failure to inform the club may result in being invoiced for the new term. Invoices for cash will be given to members on receipt of payment in the form of a receipt stub. • We advise members to keep this stub in a safe place. • Receipt stubs are proof of payment and may need to be produced on request. • In the event that a stub cannot be produced then payment is due. • In the event that a stub is produced but does not match up with the club’s stub copy: Date, Name and/or Term then payment is due.
Membership fees are charged every year. Each "new year" starts in January 1st and ends December 31st. All members (new and previous) are charged the full membership fee. The fee is then prorated for those who register for later sessions in that year. Registration fees are non-refundable, and non-creditable, and cannot all, or in part, be used for future years regardless of closings, class offerings, or schedules.
Registration can occur at any time during the year / term, as long as there are open spots in your desired class. We prorate our class fee for weeks LEFT in our terms (we don’t pro rate future missed dates). Proration will automatically be applied when registering. You will be charged for all remaining classes in the term from the date of registration (there will be no pro rating for any missed classes past registration date, including future dates).
Withdrawing members must advise the club in writing via email before the end of week 2 of the relevant term to be entitled to a partial refund of that terms fee. 50% of unused class term fees will be refunded. No refund will be paid if there are outstanding fees. Qualifying for temporary freezing of fees. Serious Injuries: • That have occurred in the gym only. (Gymnasts, must report to a member of staff “coach” any injuries that may have been pick up in the gym. This must be reported/logged on the day of the incident, not days later.) It is fair to say that most kids these days do multiple sporting activities, meaning it is difficult to determine what sporting club/activity the injury occurred at. So in relation to fair play, it is not fair to ask other clubs that are not responsible for the injury to take a hit financially in relation to freezing fees. • Fractures/broken bones etc. • serious muscle injuries, Illness: • Illness. Example: Flu, common colds, Chicken pox, measles etc. (max 1 week per term.) Non-qualification of temporary freezing of fees. • Play dates • Personal Holidays • Other sporting activities • Serious Injuries: that have occurred outside the gym from other sporting activities.
Are offered for enrolment cancellations with no less than one week’s notice prior to start of first class. (Mandatory €25 Dynamacro Gymnastics Academy admin fees are non-refundable.) Refunds: may be offered if requested within the first two weeks into the start of a term.
may be offered towards another term if the criteria to qualify for temporary freezing of fees has been fulfilled.
Unfortunately, we do not offer make-up classes for participants who cannot make their scheduled class as we are required to maintain coach: gymnast safety ratios.
DynamAcro Gymnastics Academy. Reserves the right to cancel or change class times due to insufficient enrolment. If we cancel a class due to insufficient enrolment, a full class fee refund will be offered. Classes may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather (when schools are closed). No make-up classes offered due to weather/power outage related gym closures.
Questionnaire for Non-Competitive Members only!
Please prove you are human by selecting the tree.