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Acro Squad III

Information in the process of being updated

Information in the process of being updated

Acro Squad III [NDP] Class Rules


  1. Gymnasts are to ARRIVE on time prior to their class commencement this is imperative for the successful running of all classes as it leads to disruption to the class in progress. If a child is late for whatever reason, then the parents are obligated to inform the club in an appropriate time frame.
  2. If a gymnast needs to LEAVE a class early for whatever reason, then the parent/s are obligated to inform the club in an appropriate time frame prior to the class session. This is imperative for the successful running of all classes as it leads to disruption to the class in progress.
  3. Gymnasts should NOT enter the hall prior to their class commencement unless asked to do so by a coach, this is imperative for the successful running of all classes as it leads to disruption to the class in progress. A member of staff will invite the gymnasts in when it is time for their class to begin.
  4. Have a healthy meal or snack before training.
  5. Wear the correct attire.
  6. Hair tied up neatly.
  7. Mobile phones if any to be left in the gym bag and in the dressing room / bag area at own risk. Mobile phones are prohibited during training sessions.
  8. Gym bags, clothes in the dressing room / bag area at own risk.
  9. Check that you do not have any jewellery on if so, remove all jewellery before training.
  10. Inform coaches if you have an injury or are unwell.
  11. In addition, Dynamacro Gymnastics Academy cannot be held responsible for gymnasts waiting outside of the hall/facility/centre, outside of their own designated class time.
  12. Pick up belongings, drinks etc.
  13. Thank the class coach at the end of the training session.
  14. No gymnast– is to leave the hall/facility/centre before a parent has arrived for collection. Children finishing a class may wait quietly inside the hall until a parent has arrived.
  15. Gymnasts must seek permission before leaving the hall/facility/centre
  16. All children attending classes are asked to help tidy the gym at the end of EACH CLASS, this is expected from the children and is included as part of their gymnastics training, failure to do so may affect their attendance.


  1. Always Respect the coach and other gymnasts at all times.
  2. Never approach or talk to your parent/s during a gym session (Includes any parent)unless totally necessary and by agreement of the Class Coach.
  3. Always listen to the coach and be polite.
  4. Be aware of others around you in the gym.
  5. Before trying new gymnastic skills – ask coach permission.
  6. One person on the trampoline always – always someone spotting.
  7. If you use equipment, put it back properly and safely.
  8. Photos and Videos: Gymnasts are strictly forbidden to take photos or videos on their personal phones.
  9. Sharing of Photos and Videos: Gymnasts are strictly forbidden to share any photos or videos of the gym and of any class members to the public.
  10. Gymnast:  For health and safety reasons and respect to – coach and other class members once the gym session has started gymnasts must not invite a parent into the main training hall.

Gymnasts are expected to:

  1. Regularly attend training sessions and advise the performance and technical director or their assigned coach when they are unable to do so.
  2. Display a disciplined and respectful attitude: At training, during and after events and functions.
  3. Be disciplined in their attitude to acrobatics gymnastics and be respectful in their behaviour toward coaches, gymnasts and officials.
  4. Gymnasts will be expected to work with and carry out instructions from their personal coaches in conjunction with the PTD. This includes any assigned training programs and/ or assigned skills.


In the interests of safety, and respect towards the other gymnasts/young children, especially within partnerships, failure to adhere to these rules may result in the following:

  1. Your son / daughter being asked to change partnerships.
  2. Change training days (hours) and/or Acro squad class.
  3. The gymnast’s membership may be withdrawn or suspended.


  1. No parents: to remain inside the gym during class time unless specifically asked by a coach on duty. It has been proven that a much better response from children is possible when a parent is not present.
  2. Parents: If you wish to collect your child before their training session has ended or if you need to speak with one of the coaches for whatever reason, it is imperative that the coach be informed beforehand/ in advance of all training sessions by email, text or verbally. It is not acceptable for any parent to enter the reception area and or premises during a training session to take the child early without prior notification. Doing so causes disruption to the class and gymnasts and is discourteous to the coaches present.
  3. Parents: are strictly forbidden to enter the main training arena/hall (strictly staff and gymnast only!)
  4. Parents: must stay in the parent viewing area if one is available. (Reception area is not a viewing area and must be always kept clear for health & safety)
  5. Coaches: are not available for discussion with parents during class time, it is too disruptive. Please find time to talk with a coach, if necessary, outside of designated class time by scheduling an appointment with your Club department manager by phone call, text or email.
  6. Respect: the coach and other gymnasts.
  7. Parents: For health and safety reasons and respect to – coach and gymnasts once the gym session has started parents must not approach or talk to their child.
  8. Parents: must follow, observe, and adhere to the prevailing Statutes, Code of Conduct/Guidelines for Parents/Guardians.
  9. Parents: Never approach or speak to a coach/club official in an aggressive manner especially in front of other staff members and/or Children (gymnasts). 


In the interests of safety, and respect towards the other gymnasts/young children, especially within partnerships, failure to adhere to these rules may result in the following:

  1. Your son / daughter being asked to change partnerships.
  2. Change training days (hours) and/or Acro squad class
  3. The gymnast’s membership may be withdrawn or suspended.


Training Obligations:

  1. All Acro Squad III [NDP] Class gymnasts MUST try their best to attend all training sessions that are provided in the interest of respect towards the other gymnasts/children, especially within their partnerships.

(Even in the event of having to temporarily change training times/days.)

  1. If gymnasts have other activities apart from the gymnastics, please ensure they DO NOTclash with regular training days / Competition or event trials or any Acrobatic Competitions they have been selected for.
  2. If Gymnasts are not able to attend training for whatever reason, then the parent/s of the child in question must inform the club.

NOTE: Time off requests are signed off by the Performance & Technical Director in conjunction with the General Manager / Senior coaching panel. 


  • Partnerships are not set in stone and may be changed at any stage by the Performance & Technical Director in conjunction with the Senior coaching panel regardless of how long or successful the partnership/s have been together.
  • Partnerships that are training/competing FIG levels [11-16, 12-18,13-19 & Senior] and are on the W.A.G.C.S. are required to complete compulsory hours per week/competition season to progress safely and successfully. Subject to a 6-month partnership review. (Calculated Hours from Term 1 – Term 3)


PTD: in conjunction with the Senior Coaches are solely responsible for the following:

  • Partnership selection
  • Partnership 6-month review process
  • Partnership level selection
  • Training schedules (Includes training days & times)
  • Competition selection
  • Training camps selection

SENIOR COACHING TEAM: The senior coaches at dynamacro gymnastics academy are responsible for obtaining (and advising gymnasts) of all information regarding training plans, training days, training times, performance times, creation of partnerships and any other relevant details concerning the gymnast. The senior coaches in conjunction with the PTD are responsible for making all tactical partnership decisions. 


Custom made leotards are required for FIG levels: 11-16, 12-18, 13-19 & Senior. Parents are responsible for the cost of purchase.

  • If a FIG level partnership has been dissolved for whatever reason Dynamacro Gymnastics will offer to purchase the customised leotards at cut cost.

Youth levels are “NOT” required to have a custom-made leotard; however, parents can submit a request to have one made. Parents are responsible for the cost of purchase.


When booking holidays gymnasts that are in a Pair or Group/partnerships and have started the training process for National Championships and/or a Friendly International competition must try to go on holidays at around the same time to try to avoid too much of a gap in their partnership training plan. 

Holiday season is generally considered from June 1st – August 31st of each calendar year. However some international competitions may fall during this Holiday period, so parents are asked to keep this in mind when booking holidays.


In the interests of safety, and respect towards the other gymnasts/young children, especially within partnerships, failure to adhere to these rules may result in the following:

  1. Your son / daughter being asked to change partnerships.
  2. Change training days (hours) / Acro squad class.


Step 1: Investigate Rule that has been breached.

Step 2:  The Performance & Technical Director/ General Manager / Senior coaching Panel will investigate the issue.

Step 3:  The gymnast who has breached a rule will be informed by either the Performance & Technical Director, General Manager or Senior Coach that a rule has been breached. To resolve the issue, the investigating coach will explain what rule was breached and that all rules are to be always adhered to.

Step 4:  The Parent/s of the gymnast in question will be contacted in relation to the breached rule if there is a 2nd or more occurrences/breaches.

Step 5:  The Performance & Technical Director/General Manager will investigate the issue and if resolved –no further action taken.

Step 6:  If the issue is unresolved then the General Manager in conjunction with the Performance & Technical Director will review the issue and will decide the appropriate action to take.



  • As a member of the Acro Squad III [NDP] Class, gymnasts are not permitted to enter any National/International competitions without the approval of the Performance & Technical Director in conjunction with the Senior coaching panel.
  • In the interest of respect to partnerships the cut-off point/deadline for requesting time off will be 4 weeks before any competition. Please do not send in a request for taking time off during the last 4 weeks of any Trial/Competition.
  • For time off at any other stage, please allow 2-weeks’ notice, so that arrangements may be made to alter training times to accommodate all.
  • As we do understand that some gymnasts have been heavily involved in other activities for some years, the Acro Squad III [NDP] Class Coach in conjunction with the PTD/Senior coaching panel will take this into consideration.
  • Gymnasts are advised to have 70% or greater training attendance at the club to compete successfully.
  • No gymnast may compete in competitions without the permission of a Class Coach in conjunction with the PTD/Senior coaching panel.


Step 1:  The Parent with a concern/complaint contacts the clubs Performance & Technical Director by means of email, phone call or organized meeting. (Parents should not forward a concern/complaint in writing (letter) or by means of Email / Text to another member as there is a due process to determine true facts of any alleged incident/complaint.)

Step 2:  The Parent/s of the gymnast in question will be contacted in relation to the concern/complaint.

Step 3:  The Performance & Technical Director/Senior coaching Panel will investigate the issue and if resolved –no further action taken.

Step 4:  If the issue is unresolved then the case will be referred to the Club Children’s Office.

Step 5:  The club’s children’s officer in conjunction with the Performance & Technical Director will review the concern / complaint and will decide the appropriate action to take.


All gymnasts must re-register with DynamAcro Gymnastics Academy each September to maintain their space within a class.

  1. Places cannot be held for gymnasts who fail to attend regular classes therefore please inform the Club by email immediately should your child no longer wish to attend as there is a large waiting list. Any gymnast who has failed to attend for a period of four successive weeks, without written notification or contact, will be deemed to have left the Club.
  2. Abuse of any type or form will not be tolerated. Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse of members or staff will result in expulsion from the senior coaching panel.
  3. Any members on medication or suffering from a medical condition/learning difficulty must inform the club before joining the class so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
  4. In the interest of safety members are strictly prohibited from using equipment within DynamAcro Gymnastics Academy’s Training Centre, other than for gymnasts during their designated class time.
  5. Members are asked to support fundraising events organized by DGA as they run solely for the benefit of the club, its future development plan, and its members.
  6. There will be opportunities for refreshment (drink) during the training sessions. Whilst it is not compulsory, please ensure your child brings a drink should they need one. We recommend gymnasts bring water, fizzy drinks are not permitted. Chewing gum, lollipops and sweets etc. are also not allowed inside the hall.
  7. Please ensure term fees (training fees) are paid according to our Clubs fee Policy.
  8. DGA runs on a strict no fees no train policy so failure to pay fees on time will affect your child’s participation in classes.
  9. Any participating Gymnast of the Club can be suspended from club sessions upon a warning from a Senior coaching Panel/Performance & Technical Director. Such a warning will be confirmed, in writing to the parents (or to the Gymnast if over 18). In the event of a second warning, the gymnast’s membership may be withdrawn. If the problem relates to the safety of the gymnast or other members of the Club, membership may be withdrawn immediately. Refer to the club’s constitution.
  10. Spectators are NOTallowed to take photographs or videos of members while they are training. Please let a member of staff know if you see someone operating a camera without permission.

Background Information:

It is important for parents to appreciate that gymnastics is an ‘Early Specialization Sport’ – which means that gymnasts peak/ are at their best very early in their career, which means they must train hard when they are younger to reach their best.

While participating in a wide variety of sports and activities is extremely important to the overall development of a child and can help with certain areas of acrobatics, at this Acro Squad III [NDP] Class level of acrobatics, the time needed to prepare the body and perfect skills will inevitably means children will have to specialize. We, the coaches, want to provide every opportunity for the gymnasts to reach their full potential, and compete at a high standard.

The gymnast’s full potential can only be successfully, and healthily, achieved if all the aspects of training are looked after including adequate sleep, diet (healthy eating) and injury prevention. 

All the above means that if you want your child to achieve National / International success, it will take a lot of hard work by all concerned, coaches, gymnasts, and parents.

Dynamacro Gymnastics Academy

Preschool & recreational Classes

Fees (Per Term)

Class/term fees are paid in full before the start of each new term with each invoice being issued. Fees can be paid by cash or card at Reception, or online via bank transfer.


Any other classes that are missed are non-refundable, unfortunately due to coach/gymnast ratios “catch up” classes on alternative days are not possible. If fees are not paid by your scheduled due date, you are at risk of losing your child’s place in the class.


If you cannot pay the entire term upfront, please contact us for alternate payment options before your child registers or begins class. We will work with you.

All payment plans are done on a case-by-case basis. If you enter into a payment plan you will be required to pay the first instalment (half of the term fee) by the first class to participate (unless doing a trial class). The remaining balance will be due on an allocated date (4 weeks from the first instalment) Confirmation date you will receive via email.


Term Commitment: If you have a payment plan, you are still committed to the classes for the entire registered term and all payments that are due for that term. Payment will still be charged regardless of attendance.

Full Session Commitment: By registering for a class, you are committed to the class(es) for the entire registered term (or from registration date to end of term) and all payments that are due for that term from registration date. All classes are first come, first served. A child’s spot will not be saved unless we have received a completed registration form, and a payment.


  • All payments must be received by designated due dates. If a payment is not received by its due date, then you will automatically be charged, with an additional €10.00 late fee per week late added to the balance.
  • Any client with frequent late payments will have payment plan privileges removed.
  • Any client who has unpaid fees will not be able to enrol in future sessions until paid.
  • Classes: that are missed are non-refundable, unfortunately due to coach/gymnast ratios “catch up” classes on alternative days are not possible.
  • If fees are not paid by your scheduled due date, you are at risk of losing your child’s place in the class.
  • Terms 1, 2, 3 and or 4 are by subscription meaning once you sign up for a term you pay for the entire term including used and/or unused sessions (Including Personal Holidays). Please see Refunds / Credits / Cancellations / Make-up Classes policy section.

Full Classes & Wait-list.

Full Classes & Wait-list: If you are interested in a class that is currently full, you may add your child to the waiting list. Should any spaces open at a later date, we will contact you.


Our trial class is a non-obligation trial. You may try one class. Should you not want to continue after trial, no payment is owed. If you want to further enrol in the class, payment for all remaining classes and trial lesson will be due (along with registration fee) in order to continue. Please contact us in order to schedule a trial, to prevent from being charged before your class begins.


Invoices for Debit Card, Revolut & bank transfers will be sent to all non-competitive on confirmation of payment of the current term. The club member is responsible for advising the club if they are not returning for the following term. Failure to inform the club may result in being invoiced for the new term. Invoices for cash will be given to members on receipt of payment in the form of a receipt stub. • We advise members to keep this stub in a safe place. • Receipt stubs are proof of payment and may need to be produced on request. • In the event that a stub cannot be produced then payment is due. • In the event that a stub is produced but does not match up with the club’s stub copy: Date, Name and/or Term then payment is due.


Membership fees are charged every year. Each “new year” starts on January 1st and ends December 31st. All members (new and previous) are charged the full membership fee. Registration fees are non-refundable, and non-creditable, and cannot all, or in part, be used for future years regardless of closings, class offerings, or schedules.


Registration can occur at any time during the year / term, as long as there are open spots in your desired class. We prorate our class fee for weeks LEFT in our terms (we don’t pro rate future missed dates). Proration will automatically be applied when registering. You will be charged for all remaining classes in the term from the date of registration (there will be no pro rating for any missed classes past registration date, including future dates).


  • Terms 1, 2, 3 and or 4 are by subscription meaning once you sign up for a term you pay for the entire term including used and/or unused sessions (Including Personal Holidays). 

Please see.

Refunds / Credits / Cancellations / Make-up Classes policy section.

  • Withdrawing members must advise the club in writing via email before the end of week 2 of the relevant term to be entitled to a partial refund of that terms fee. 50% of unused class term fees will be refunded.
  • No refund will be paid if there are outstanding fees.
  • Qualifying for temporary freezing of fees. Serious Injuries: • That have occurred in the gym only. (Gymnasts/kids, must report to a member of staff “coach” any injuries that may have been pick up in the gym. This must be reported/logged on the day of the incident, not days later.)
  • It is fair to say that most kids these days do multiple sporting activities, meaning it is difficult to determine what sporting club/activity the injury occurred at. So, in relation to fair play, it is not fair to ask other clubs that are not responsible for the injury to take a hit financially in relation to freezing fees. • Fractures/broken bones etc. • serious muscle injuries, Illness: • Illness. Example: Flu, common colds, Chicken pox, measles etc. (max 1 week per term.)


  • Non-qualification of temporary freezing of fees. • Play dates • Personal Holidays • Other sporting activities • Serious Injuries: that have occurred outside the gym from other sporting activities.

DGA Policy- Finance 2023

Refunds / Credits / Cancellations / Make-up Classes policy.             

Withdrawing members must advise the club in writing via email before the end of week 2 of the relevant term to be entitled to a partial refund of that terms fee. 50% of unused class term fees will be refunded.

  • No refund will be paid after week 2.   
  • No refund will be paid if there are outstanding fees.   


Are offered for enrolment cancellations with no less than one week’s notice prior to start of first class. (Mandatory €25 Dynamacro Gymnastics Academy admin fees are non-refundable.)


May be offered towards another term if the criteria to qualify for temporary freezing of fees has been fulfilled.  

Qualifying for temporary freezing of fees.

Serious Injuries:

  • That have occurred in the gym only. (Gymnasts, must report to a member of staff “coach” any injuries that may have been pick up in the gym. This must be reported/logged on the day of the incident, not days later.) It is fair to say that most kids these days do multiple sporting activities, meaning it is difficult to determine what sporting club/activity the injury occurred at. So, in relation to fair play, it is not fair to ask other clubs that are not responsible for the injury to take a hit financially in relation to freezing fees.     
  • Fractures/broken bones etc.
  • serious muscle injuries,


  • Example: Flu, common colds, Chicken pox, measles etc. (max 1 week per term.)

Non-qualification of temporary freezing of fees.

  • Play dates.
  • Holidays
  • Other sporting activities
  • Serious Injuries: that have occurred outside the gym from other sporting activities.



Unfortunately, we do not offer make-up classes for participants who cannot make their scheduled class as we are required to maintain coach: gymnast safety ratios.


DynamAcro Gymnastics Academy. Reserves the right to cancel or change class times due to insufficient enrolment. If we cancel a class due to insufficient enrolment, a full class fee refund will be offered. Classes may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather (when schools are closed). No make-up classes offered due to weather/power outage related gym closures.

If there are fees outstanding from a prior term, no admission to the following terms classes or training.

Approved By the Cubs:  Performance & Technical Director