

Teaching kids gymnastics and getting your child in gymnastics classes has a variety of benefits for your child’s overall health and wellness. They get to develop physical skills and strength while also building self-confidence and creativity through what they will learn. It also builds a strong foundation for additional sports your child may be interested in as they get older. What are some of the benefits of pre-school gymnastics?

  • Encourages skill and child development. Learning and developing new skills like those your child learns in preschool gymnastics builds self-confidence and encourages them to discover the things they’re interested in as they grow.
  • The self-esteem developed through teaching kids gymnastics gives them the opportunity to value themselves just the way they are.
  • Preschool gymnastics helps to build and frame routine for your child through consistent, scheduled extracurricular activity. This helps to provide confidence, control, and security while preparing them for what it will be like having a school routine.
  • Gymnastic classes enhance your child’s physical development and provide a way for them to develop strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and control over their bodies.
  • 4-6 year old gymnastics helps to lay a foundation for physical fitness throughout your child’s lifetime—not to mention the development of gymnastics skills activates cognitive development through their understanding, application, and eventual mastery.
  • Preschool gymnastics allows for the development of the entire child, not just their physical selves. They are taught how to listen, follow direction, take turns, and share.

The following rules shall apply to training sessions/classes

1. All Non-Competitive gymnasts must re-register with DynamAcro Gymnastics Academy through our online system.
2. Places cannot be held for gymnasts who fail to attend regular classes therefore please inform the Club Administrator/ Secretary by email immediately should your child no longer wish to attend as there is a large waiting list. Gymnasts who have failed to attend for a period of four successive weeks, without written notification or contact, will be deemed to have left the Club.
3. All classes currently operate by invitation only through our waiting list. Please fill in an online application form to express your interest in attending classes with us.
4. Abuse of any type or form will not be tolerated. Verbal, emotional or physical abuse of members or staff will result in expulsion from the club.
5. Any members on medication or suffering from a medical condition/learning difficulty must inform the club before joining the class so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
6. In the interest of safety members are strictly prohibited from using equipment within DynamAcro Gymnastics Academy’s Training Centre, other than for the purpose of during their designated class time.
7. Members are asked to support fundraising events organized by DGA as they run solely for the benefit of the club, its future development plan and its members.
8. There will be opportunities for refreshment (drink) during the training sessions. Whilst it is not compulsory, please ensure your child brings a drink should they need one. We recommend gymnasts bring water, fizzy drinks are not permitted. Chewing gum, lollipops and sweets etc. are also not allowed inside the hall.
9. Please ensure your child attends in appropriate attire. Jeans, tights or skirts ARE NOT suitable for gymnastics. Shorts, t-shirts, tracksuits and training leotards are suitable for recreational classes.
10. Please ensure term fees (training fees) are paid according to our Club Policy. Gymnasts whose fees are more than 12 weeks overdue may be asked to leave the Club and will cease to have membership of the Club.
11. DGA runs on a strict no fees no train policy so failure to pay fees on time will affect your child’s participation in classes. Gymnasts with outstanding fees will be removed from classes and may be placed on our waiting list.
12. Any participating Gymnast of the Club can be suspended from club sessions upon a warning from a department manager/Performance & Technical Director. Such a warning will be confirmed, in writing to the parents (or to the Gymnast if over 18). In the event of a second warning, the gymnast’s membership may be withdrawn. If the problem relates to the safety of the gymnast or other members of the Club, membership may be withdrawn immediately. Refer to the club’s constitution.
13. DGA members may be videoed through our CCTV system for the purpose of coach and child safety.
14. Spectators are NOT allowed to take photographs or videos of members while they are training. Please let a member of staff know if you see someone operating a camera without permission.

Gymnast before the class begins

1. Arrive on time for training.
2. Gymnasts should NOT enter the hall prior to their class commencement, this is imperative for the successful running of all classes as it leads to disruption to the class in progress. A member of staff will invite the gymnasts in when it is time for their class to begin.
3. Hair tied up neatly.
4. Mobile phones are NOT permitted.
5. Gym bags, clothes in dressing room / bag area at own risk.
6. Check that you do not have any jewellery on if so, remove all jewellery before training.
7. Parents must Inform coaches if the child has an injury or has been unwell.
8. Please ensure all children have gone to the toilet prior to class time as toilet breaks are extremely disruptive, this is especially important during the 1-hour recreational classes.
9. If access to the toilets and changing room at the facility are required, please ensure a designated member of staff is present and aware.
10. In addition, Dynamacro Gymnastics Academy cannot be held responsible for gymnasts waiting outside of the hall/facility/centre, outside of their own designated class time.

Gymnast during class

1. No parents to remain inside the gym during class time unless specifically asked by a coach on duty. It has been proven that a much better response from children is possible when a parent is not present.
2. Always respect the coach and other gymnasts.
3. Never approach or talk to your parent/s during a gym session unless totally necessary and by agreement of the Class Coach.
4. Always listen to the coach and be polite.
5. Be aware of others around you in the gym.
6. Before trying new gymnastic skills – ask coach permission.
7. If you use equipment, put it back properly and safely.

Gymnast Training days / hours

Training Days:
– Gymnasts cannot carry part training hours from other training sessions to gain all-around weekly training hours unless specifically instructed by the Performance & Technical Director in conjunction with the senior coach’s panel.

Training days and hours are set by the Performance & Technical Director in conjunction with the department managers, if no such positions exists then the PTD will set all hours.

Non-Competitive Class (NCC).
– The Non-Competitive Class covers the following:
. Basic general Gymnastics Coaching.
• Basic general Gymnastics training programmes.
• Basic general Gymnastics fitness/conditioning programmes.

– Non-Competitive Class (NCC) does not cover:
• Gymnast 1 on 1 private personal coaching.
• The Non-Competitive Class Coach/department manager is not responsible for organising club track-suits, leotards etc. 

Gymnast Training days / hours

1. No gymnast – is to leave the hall/facility/centre before a parent has arrived for collection. Children finishing a class may wait quietly inside the hall until a parent has arrived.
2. Gymnasts must seek permission before leaving the hall/facility/centre.

Parent’s rules during class

1. Coaches are not available for discussion with parents during class time, it is too disruptive. Please find time to talk with a coach, if necessary, outside of designated class time by scheduling an appointment with our Club department manager by text or email.
2. Respect the coach and other gymnasts.
3. Parents! For health and safety reasons and respect to – coach and gymnasts once the gym session has started parents must not approach or talk to their child.
4. Parents are strictly forbidden to enter any gymnast dressing rooms and or the main gym arena. The main gym arena is strictly staff and gymnast only!
5. Parents must follow, observe and adhere to the prevailing Statutes, Code of Conduct/Guidelines for Parents/Guardians.

Gymnast Internal Club Complaint Process

Step 1: The Parent with a concern/complaint contacts the Club’s Performance & Technical Director/department manager and/or a member of staff by means of phone call or organized meeting. (Parents should not forward a concern/complaint in writing or by means of Email / Text as there is a due process to determine true facts of any alleged incident/complaint.)

Step 2: The Performance & Technical Director /coaching staff will investigate the issue and if resolved –no further action taken.

Step 3: If the issue is unresolved then the child’s Parents will be contacted.

Step 4: If the issue is still unresolved then the case will be referred to the Club Children’s Officer.

Step 5: Club Children’s Officer in conjunction with the P.T.D investigates the Incident (complaint) and therefore will issue a decision on completion of the investigation.